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Nutritional Specialist

Geri Zatcoff's specialties include all aspects of weight management, blood sugar and lipid imbalances, compulsive/binge-eating disorder and, metabolic and digestive disorders.

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Cosmetic Dentistry: What would you like to change?

Whiter teeth? Remove unsightly gaps? Correct positioning? Fix a cracked tooth? Imagine your new confidence! More...

Pediatric Dentistry: Whose oral health is important to you?

The ADA recommends your child be seen within the first six months after the eruption of the first tooth. Teething, thumb sucking, more...

Preventative Dentistry: What's at stake?

Healthy gums look and feel great, save health care costs, prevent life-threatening disease such as gum disease and oral cancer. More...

Restorative Dentistry: Why not love yourself back to your best oral health?

Beautiful porcelain crowns, implants, inlays, onlays, custom dentures, root canals, mercury-free fillings, More...

Special Issues: What symptoms are of concern now?

Bleeding gums (periodontal disease--danger to heart health), tight, sore jaw (TMJ), snoring, More...

Products: Why wait for new technology oral health care?

The ionic toothbrush causes teeth to release plaque! Coming soon, Dr. Wolpo's new line of high-tech oral care products. More...

Resource Library: How does up-to-date knowledge empower you?

Empower yourself towards your best health with over 200 engaging educational videos, animations and articles. More...

Contact Us: What better time than now?

We know that your choice of a family dentist is based on skill, personality and a quality team. More...

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(203) 323-9277
get in touch

Nutritional Specialist: Geraldine Zatcoff, M.S.Ed, M.S., C.N.S. Clinical Nutritionist

geri-zatcoff-nutritionist-smile-sensations--implants-invisalign-gum-disease-stamford-ctA comprehensive wellness coach, Geri began her career in 1988 in Rome, Italy as a Fitness Instructor and Personal Fitness Trainer. As Senior Director, Fitness & Wellness at the Westport Weston Family Y for over twelve years, she has coached hundreds of people to create lifestyle changes with staying power.

With Masters Degrees in both Human Nutrition and Exercise Science & Wellness, Geri brings in-depth education and experience to her counseling. She is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine and the American College of Nutrition.

Geri's specialties include all aspects of weight management, blood sugar and lipid imbalances, compulsive/binge-eating disorder and, metabolic and digestive disorders.

Geri understands the journey to wellness based on her own recovery from binge-eating disorder and serious back injuries sustained in an Amtrak Train derailment when she was twenty years of age. Her personal story of regaining optimal health makes Geri uniquely qualified to support clients in overcoming challenges and she has an impressive success rate.

Passionate about good food and its importance to optimal health, Geri is looking forward to helping Dr. Wolpo's patients attain or regain optimal health. Periodontal disease can be improved by good nutrition and Geri is eager to share her knowledge in a way that integrates with the medical protocols recommended by the doctor.

Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation

Nutritional Videos:

Diet and Dental Health


How Nutrition Affects Oral Health


Tooth Decay...What Causes It?


View more educational videos...

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With a well-earned reputation for safe, clinically advances and effective treatments, Dr. Wolpo uses the
most up-to-date and clinically advanced equipment and techniques, including cosmetic computer imaging,
the "painless" Waterlase Dental Laser, Invisalign"invisible" braces and LumaLight tooth whitening treatment.