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Implant Dentistry

Dental implants should be considered by patients who have lost one or more of their natural teeth and are not happy with (or cannot tolerate) dentures or other options.

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Preventative Dentistry: What's at stake?

Healthy gums look and feel great, save health care costs, prevent life-threatening disease such as gum disease and oral cancer. More...

Restorative Dentistry: Why not love yourself back to your best oral health?

Beautiful porcelain crowns, implants, inlays, onlays, custom dentures, root canals, mercury-free fillings, More...

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Resource Library: How does up-to-date knowledge empower you?

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Contact Us: What better time than now?

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(203) 323-9277
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Implant Dentistry

Dental implants offer patients artificial teeth that look natural and feel secure. Dental implants are frequently used to attach full or partial dentures. Dental implants should be considered by patients who have lost one or more of their natural teeth and are not happy with (or cannot tolerate) dentures or other options. Most people who have lost their teeth can have successful implants.

The ideal candidate for dental implants must have healthy gums and sufficient underlying bone mass below the gums. In addition, that person must be in good overall health. Age is not a drawback. Implants have been successful on many children as well as very old patients. A person considering implants must be highly motivated because part of the dental implant success is aftercare. Long-term success depends on meticulous dental hygiene and good care of the oral area.

The length of time the implants will last varies depending on the area in which they are placed, the condition of the underlying bone and soft tissue, the type of implant used, the general health of the patient, and the aftercare treatment. Dr. Wolpop will help you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a dental implant, considering your unique set of circumstances. Together you can make the best decision for your long-term dental health.

The implant process begins after Dr. Wolpo performs a thorough examination of your teeth and jawbone to determine the extent of the damage and whether or not your jaw is healthy enough to accept a dental implant without any extra support. Once the oral exam is complete, a dental implant is fashioned out of titanium (or other durable metal) and customized to fit your mouth.

Depending upon your specific dental needs and the degree of damage to your tooth and jawbone, Dr. Wolpo will then perform either of two variations of the implant procedure. If your jawbone is structurally sound, then the doctor will surgically attach the implant to the bone, creating an artificial but effective root that will readily accept a new false tooth. However, if your jawbone is not structurally sound, then the implant will need to be attached to a type of metal frame that is then laid over the existing jawbone to strengthen and support the implant.

To find out if you are a candidate for dental implants, please contact our office at 203-323-9277.

Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation 203-323-9277


Videos on Dental Implants:

Procelain Veneers



Dental animation on gum recession

Dental Implants


More videos on dental implants...


Restorative dental care procedures:

Implant Dentistry

Custom Dentures

Root Canals

Porcelain Crowns


Composite Fillings


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With a well-earned reputation for safe, clinically advances and effective treatments, Dr. Wolpo uses the
most up-to-date and clinically advanced equipment and techniques, including cosmetic computer imaging,
the "painless" Waterlase Dental Laser, Invisalign"invisible" braces and LumaLight tooth whitening treatment.